Frequently Asked Questions

  • Everyone needs a hand up

    What's the purpose of Blue Skies Mutual Aid, Inc?

    The purpose of this organization is to provide shelter and food, offer services to those with low-income, create community projects, and engage in emergency response for Gaines County.

    We are made up of a 100% volunteer force of people that live and work in Gaines County and want to create a positive change in our local community. Our team is made up of people from all walks of life and all ages, from young adults to grandparents, and English, German, and Spanish speakers.

  • Mutual aid is neighbors helping neighbors

    What's the difference between a charity and a mutual aid organization?

    A charity is often when an "outside" group gives aid to only those in need that meet certain requirements such as residency, age, religion, income, etc. It's organized as a "top-down" organization where volunteers and staff have almost no say in how the organization operates and help often comes with strings attached.

    In contrast, a mutual aid organization is run by locals that live in the community they serve and are often clients of the same services they provide to others. Mutual aid groups also do not discriminate as to who receives assistance. Overall, mutual aid organizations are more accountable to their community, more democratically run, and more responsive to the needs of the community than charities.

  • Blue Skies is a secular organization

    What about faith-based organizations in Gaines County?

    Many churches and other faith-based organizations improve the local community through food distribution, funeral cost sharing, volunteering, fundraising, and other services/programs. Blue Skies is a secular organization but is fully willing to partner with any faith-based organizations that want to do good for those in need.

    There is still, however, a void in the community when it concerns certain social services such as finding a place for someone to sleep among other basic needs. Some faith-based organizations also discriminate as to who may receive their assistance, most commonly only helping those that are church members and/or of the Christian faith. Blue Skies serves everyone without exception regardless of religion, income level, or citizenship status.

  • Funds stay local to Gaines County

    Where do we plan on getting funding from?

    Blue Skies Mutual Aid, Inc plans on getting funding from a mixture of sources including state grants, local grants, corporate donations, and personal donations.

    Having a mixture of funding sources helps create a more consistent flow of revenue into the organization. All funds coming in and being spent will always be transparent and easily available online for anyone to view.

  • Neighbors helping neighbors

    In the future, is Blue Skies going to expand outside of Gaines County?

    This mutual aid organization is and will always be limited to Gaines County. The only exception being someone from Blue Skies Mutual Aid, Inc helping a separate mutual aid organization form in a different county in the future.

    This restriction serves to make sure that the organization is always neighbors helping neighbors in Gaines County and accountable to the community it serves.

  • Blue Skies does not involve itself with politics in any way

    Is the organization going to be involved in any politics or elections?

    The organization will never be involved in any politics or elections. Blue Skies Mutual Aid, Inc does not engage in political campaigning, lobbying, or political fundraising of any kind.